What's with this semester?
Early last week commenced my university life, where this year is my second and last year in Australia, which is also my third year of my overall degree programme. This semester, I am undertaking four units - three core subjects and one elective. And at the end of my first week, I felt the uneasiness in me, the feeling of not being able to achieve excellently at the end of this semester. Essentially, there are few factors which cause and substantiate this unmotivated thought.
Post-Job Period
I think right now, i am struck by this so called the Post-Job Period where the past 4 months brought only work loads and more work loads, instead of learning English. Even when I was working at Toowoomba Beef City, English was only used for communicative purposes, speaking to the local people there as well as backpackers. Instead of practising better native-like English, i adapted some Aussie slangs and British cockney slangs which local blokes there always use, like 'how'ya goin mate?', 'aaiii?' (meaning 'ha?'), 'take care of ur stov' (stuff)', 'it is good, INN (isn't) it?' brbrbr and the list goes on...
Now that i am back from this job, I felt like my English is not getting better coz i have forgotten all academic discourses of writing, I am in no way know how to write a good reflection as i used to. All these just sound so terrible, horrible and vegetable to me. And with the dateline for assignment coming very soon now, I think i might fall if no urgent help is provided.
Low Verbal/linguistic Intelligence
I have always believe and will always believe that i am running out of linguistic intelligence in me. There's this one part of my brain which always reminds me that i am not and never intelligent linguistically because each time i think, language will come at the bottom of the thinking list. So pathetic huh? For years, i tried to convince myself that i can do well in language. Getting few distinctions, credits and stuffs lifted my confidence of undertaking this course as i thought that i have finally acquire the so called linguistic intelligence in me. But, in real life situation, i (my brain) am never switched to thinking about language. All i am thinking of is economics, marketing, engineering, which all come to the making of millions of money.
Now that, once again i am back to real lives, sometimes this unfruitful idea still comes and goes. And, i hope in this semester, I need to once again convince my thought that I am more than a low verbally and linguistically intelligence student. How then? How can i prove this to be real? Just 1 way i guess - read, read and read...
Today marks the end of the second week of thirteen weeks in this semester, i still have a long way ahead of me, proving either my STUPIDITY or my INTELLIGENCE... i think minimal stupidity is always in me, coz I am always talking crapsss... and i mean lots of them...
wada great new semester eh?
dun wori, mate!
we all d same... im kinda perplexed with this new semester in a new surrounding too...
gota get used to the study life summo after 5 months ofsheer extacy... haha...
your nt alone...
will pray 4u!
hope you are having more confidence in yourself now! ^_^
(1/10/2006 - 12:58am - NZT)
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