Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Good & Bad news

Just finish makan now~ no mood to start doing assignment. So, do it later lar. at the meantime, take some time out to read people's blog at the same time, writing my own blog. I hope this writing is going to be quick and an instant writing.

Today, we had a meeting with two lecturers - Dr Chong and Pak Habib - from IPBA. They arrived last Friday and will be going back end of next week. So, basically 2 weeks lar.

Besides coming to Brissie to collect information - academic, social, religious, they are here to inform us of the latest updated news in IPBA as well in QUT. So, below are the good news and the bad news. let's start with bad news.

Bad news
a) Mr. Ramlan is still a Ketua Hostel in Pantai Puri.
b) Going back to KL, we may not have as much internet access as here. :( real sad!
c) Going back to KL, there's no such thing as Webmail or Online Teaching and Learning.
d) IPBA lecturers are looking forwards to our return (but we are not!).
e) Accomodation in IPBA will once again be a room of 2-4. Real bad!!!

a) our Degree programme comes with Honours. No kidding! it's time to STUDY HARDER~
b) we might come back to BRISBANE for graduation ceremony!!!! (i am waiting for that moment to b back in brissie again!!!)
c) the two lecturers were satisfied with our (cohort 1 & 2) results. *Dr Chong praised me for my achievement. ^.^9 this will be a great motivation to move forward*

Okie. Time to stop. No more blogging. MOooo~


At 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wat's IPBA again?

At 7:47 AM , Blogger Nicky said...

IPBA is Institut Perguruan Bahasa-bahasa Antarabangsa. The place where we all study from b4 leaving oversea. :)

At 7:54 AM , Blogger glo teng said...

mm, i dunno how u r feeling now as the end is drawing near. i think i might do thru that sorta feeling near the end of next year :(

hang in there k?


At 11:26 AM , Blogger Nicky said...

hmm.. it's hard to know the feelings... has both pros and cons in it... one thing for sure: life has to go on; so just go with the flow. :)

At 12:58 PM , Blogger Nicky said...

aiyak... wrong use of word... Correction: not 'know', but'describe'. It's hard to describe this feeling... but te daily 'busy'ness has done me good, keeping me from thinking too much. :)

At 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cewah, kene puji~

At 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear that :)

keep it up! ^_^

and thanks!


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