Friday, September 12, 2008

Who doesn’t want to be great?

In the heart of every human being, there is a deep longing to be great at something we are doing. Whether it’s being great in achievement or fame, we yearn for it, believing that that greatness or success will in some ways signify the meanings of our lives.

Living in the world where money is one of the hottest-topics for conversation among working-class people, we often perceive being great as to be successful and prestigious. Money is used to measure one’s success and publicity reflects how well one is respected and looked highly upon.

There are so many people who have made themselves to the world-greatest-people-list like Bill Gates, the late Pope John Paul II, Donald Trump, Obama, Tyra Banks, Nelson Mandela, David Beckham, and even Jerry Springer to list a few. Some did it to gain the attention of the world to see how well-off or ‘wonderful’ they are, while some did it for the good of others – they are those who self-sacrifice for the good of mankind and for peace of the world.

Having said that, who doesn’t want to be great?

I am one of those who want to be great one day. In fact, I want to be rich one day if I can. I have a draft plan of what I will become when I am 30 years old. I want to earn big bucks and achieve big dreams which can satisfy all my needs and wants. When I was in the final year in QUT, I came to realize that I am capable of achieving anything I want in life. I want to stand out from the rest.

However, there’s always something holding me back. I realize that things I want in life may not be the things that really matter. Often, I had to stop walking, and reevaluating my purpose in life. In other words, I am constantly reminded to reevaluate where I am now and what I am doing now.

Some parts of me are afraid that I will one day regret doing what I have been doing, having to make the wrong choices, and neglecting the things that really matter to me.

And thank God, today I came across a verse in WYD article which I have found an answer to believe in. Our Lord Jesus says, “For the one who is least among you is the one who is the greatest” (Luke 9:48).

The verse is described as,

“The least are the humble and pure of heart, those – who far from weak and timid – are strong enough in spirit not to have to big note themselves or be the centre of attention or success. They are the ones who realize their greatness does not depend upon success in what they have or how they are regarded. Their measure is the greatness of the cause they serve, the horizon to which their life points. The least are those cooperate daily with God’s grace, recognizing their strength is little and the Lord is the one who makes it fruitful.” (Bishop Anthony Fisher OP, WYD2008)

Therefore, it is my will to truly put my trust and faith in Him – to be alert of his knocking. However, I found this to be particularly difficult because there are many distractions and temptations around me everyday. It is difficult to recognize the good from bad, or the best from the second best. Sometimes, the good thing is so tempting that it draws me away from what matters most. Very difficult indeed. It is even more difficult to not know when I am no longer staying on-course.

It is good also to remind myself of the verse, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and then all the rest of these good things will be given to you’. Perhaps, my focus should be on Him first then I will be clearer.

It’s pleasing to know that I am not be alone in this journey, and I never will.


At 8:38 AM , Blogger Jarod Yong said...

You are wise to put your confidence in God than in the fickle opinions of men...


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